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Dr. Antonia Steßl

Mount Shasta

Ich bin systemischer Coach, Systemaufstellerin und schamanisch Praktizierende.


Als Director bei Deloitte gestalte ich organisatorische Veränderungsprozesse. Parallel bin ich als Beraterin tätig, um weltweite Anti-Rassismuss-Trainings durchzuführen, institutionelle und interpersonelle Dynamiken von Rassismus zu identifizieren und systemische Maßnahmen abzuleiten.

Mein Fokus liegt immer darauf die tiefen, unbewussten Dynamiken innerhalb eines Organisations- oder Familiensystems zu identifizieren, dem Ursprung eines Problems auf den Grund zu gehen. Durch das Anerkennen des auslösenden Moments wird es möglich lösende Bewegungen und Schritte herbeizuführen.

Dies ist auch mein Ziel für die Einzel- und Gruppenarbeit – es geht darum, das eigene Leben tatsächlich nachhaltig zu verändern, indem man Perspektiven erweitert, die Verbindung zu inneren Ressourcen freisetzt und ein breiteres und tieferes Verständnis von sich selbst in dieser Welt gewinnt.



Im Detail ...

... diese Laufbahn habe ich nach dem Studium der klassischen systemischen Familienaufstellung bei Dr. Ilse Kutschera, einer Schülerin von Bert Hellinger, und Helmut Eichenmüller begonnen. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass diese zweijährige Ausbildung die bestmögliche Grundlage war, um die Prinzipien und Dynamiken intragenerationaler Verstrickungen wirklich zu durchdringen und zu verstehen.


Während meines Aufenthalts in den USA, wo ich zwei Jahre lebte, hatte ich das Glück, auch bei Francesca Mason Boring zu lernen, Mitglied des Shoshone Tribe. Sie erzählte damals, dass sie, als sie die systemische Aufstellungsarbeit zum ersten Mal erlebte, dies der erste „westliche“ Ansatz war, der mit ihrem indigenen Glaubenssystem kompatibel ist. Francesca lehrte mich, auf das wissende Feld zu hören und alte Heilweisheiten und Rituale in die Systemaufstellung zu integrieren. 


Danach lernte ich bei Emily Blefeld und Dan Cohen, zwei der führenden Vorreiter systemischer Praxis in den USA, Aspekte von erweitertem Bewusstsein und spirituellen Prinzipien in die eigene Arbeit zu integrieren.


Im Laufe der Jahre wuchs auch stetig meine Verbindung zu schamanischem Wissen und Arbeiten. Herzlichen Dank an meine Lehrerinnen Vera Griebert-Schröder, Sandra Ingerman und Betsy Bergstrom, die ihre Einsichten, Techniken und Erfahrungen mit mir teilten und mir gezeigt haben, wie man eine Verbindung mit Weisheitstraditionen ermöglicht, damit sie in der Gegenwart gelebt werden können.


Eher ungewöhnlich, aber sehr passend und noch hilfreicher, um alles miteinander zu verbinden, habe ich meine erste Karriere im Big4 Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Beratungsunternehmensumfeld gemacht, wo ich nun seit über 10 Jahren arbeite und wirke. Zunächst als Prüferin von Governance-Systemen wechselte ich dann in die Gestaltung von Transformationsprojekten. Dies führte mich auch in die USA, wo ich zwei Jahre lang die Transformation des globalen Unternehmens mitgestaltete, bevor ich die operative Umsetzung in Europa übernahm.


Seit Jahren integriere ich systemische Methoden in die unternehmerische Entscheidungsfindung und die Gestaltung betrieblicher Prozesse. Insbesondere komplexe Fragestellungen und solche, in die bereits viele Ressourcen investiert wurden, ohne das gewünschte Ergebnis zu erzielen, sind typische Fragestellungen, bei denen dieser Ansatz hilft, nächste Schritte im Lösungsfindungsprozess zu finden.

Image by Leo

We invite you to join us on this sacred journey in Mt. Shasta, the root chakra of the world, where we will remember, rebuild, reconnect to and reclaim the power and wisdom of this sacred land and the memory it holds. When we call to these ancient sites, kindred energies within us will rise to meet them.


The Land where we will be staying

Imagine yourself immersed in nature just resting, daydreaming and stargazing. Give yourself permission to shift from “doing” to “being”. Bring silence to your planning mind and allow your intuitive spirit to guide you back home to yourself.

Reset every day with a refreshing cold plunge in the creek. Daydream on a hammock and reimagine what’s possible in your life. Quench your thirst with the sweet well water. Sleep in an intentionally attuned space for deep, restorative rest. Play, create, and vision whenever the inspiration strikes. Nourish yourself on sacred land that’s attuned for deep rejuvenation and inner transformation.


Mount Shasta Mysteries

Mount Shasta is said to be the root chakra of the world. A place that holds the invitation to transfigure, transmute, connect with the Divine, embody the scalar energy, ground and root oneself, and attune one’s frequency to the Schumann resonances of the Earth.


Native American tribes home to this area have also always cherished the mountain’s sacredness. They believe Mt. Shasta to be the center of the universe, the home of the Creator.

 Until today, the Wintu tribe conducts  sacred ceremonies in the sacred waters of the mountain. Mt. Shasta is the only other place on the earth where the red and the white spring, just like in Glastonbury, endlessly stream to the surface of the earth bringing their healing power and nourishment to the lands, to the people.


Legends also say that somewhere deep beneath Northern California’s 14,179-foot-tall Mount Shasta is a complex of tunnels and a hidden city called Telos, the ancient “City of Light” for the Lemurians. They were the residents of the mythical lost continent of Lemuria, which met its demise under the waves of the Pacific thousands of years ago.


What to expect?  

Throughout the program we will do guided meditations, shamanic journeys, energy medicine practices, individual and collective constellations, rituals, and ceremonies, for each of us to take the next steps in our personal spiritual growth in understanding and embodying universal laws as a road map to manifesting Heaven on Earth individually and collectively.


This 4-day-event is calling

  • Old souls who hold the memory of the sacred sites of Mt. Shasta

  • Modern jesters, midwives, witches, tricksters, magicians

  • Descendants from that sacred land of Lemuria who feel called to reconnect to and remember

  • Modern alchemists, healers, shamans, druids, ovates, bards, homeopaths, intuitives and mystics

  • Everyone who feels called by this mystery


Pneuma Retreat Center


Pneuma retreat Center  is set at the foothills of Mt. Shasta, embraced by national forest on all sides. Pine and cedar trees, wild flowers, green mountains, deer, a deep velvet night sky full of bright stars and the healing mineral waters of Parks Creek running through the 15 acre property make this tranquil center unique.

Here you will find yourself surrounded by a radiant, nurturing natural environment where you feel more connected and awake.

Address: 4617 Stewart Springs Rd. Weed, California 96094

More information on: Pneuma Retreat Center | Northern California


If you have questions or certain requirements, please do not reach out to the Centre directly. They asked everything to be organized through us. In case of questions please contact directly




Beginning: We will start on Thursday, 30 May at 2pm in the Shamballa Hall on the premises of the Pneuma Retreat Center. Check-in into the rooms will only be after 4pm. Keys to your rooms will be handed out by Antonia.

The workshop will end on Sunday, 2 June at 12pm (noon).


If you wish to arrive a day early or stay a day longer in the retreat center, please reach out to Antonia. She will make the arrangements.


Three Facilitators


Antonia Stessl-Heilmeier, PhD, is internationally known as a systemic constellations facilitator, trainer, and shamanic practitioner. She is dedicated to making indigenous wisdom traditions accessible to people in modern societies. Combining refined intuitive perception with extensive training in the art and science of creating sacred spaces, Antonia brings clients through soul processes that bring peace to the past and provide positive resources for the future. She opens a sacred space in the field for spirit and intuition to come through, to remember resources with-in and with-out oneself.

Antonia holds a PhD in systems theory. She first trained in Germany in classic systemic family constellations in the tradition of Bert Hellinger, then received additional training from Francesca Mason Boring in combining them with ancient healing wisdom and rituals. Most recently, she studied with Emily Blefeld and Dan Cohen in how to integrate advanced consciousness and spiritual principles into therapeutic practice. She received additional training in shamanic traditions, curse and thoughtform unravelling, compassionate depossession, soul retrieval, and energy medicine.

Antonia is employed as a director at one of the world’s largest Big4 professional services firms. Her corporate and organizational background complements her interests in expanding the field for spirit and intuition. In addition, Antonia recently facilitated an anti-racism systemic program in a large intergovernmental organization.


Rotger Heilmeier is a Registered Nurse, Psychologist (M.A.), nonmedical practitioner (German Heilpraktiker), Homeopath, Systemic and Family Constellation Facilitator and Trainer, and Shamanic Practitioner. He innovates new ways of working with homeopathy, shamanic practice, and constellations to connect with spirit, soul, and Mother Earth. Rotger is especially adept at connecting with sacred ground through spirit animals, sacred stones and medicinal plants in their natural and homeopathic form.

Since 2009, Rotger has been in private practice as a nonmedical practitioner offering homeopathy and psychological counseling. Through many years of experience in the medical profession, he has cultivated the ability to find simplicity in complex situations. A patient’s disease process may have crude and destructive symptoms, but he has found that underneath almost any disease there are good intentions. Finding that base line, stimulates awareness of the simplest truths that often reach through centuries. When these are identified, remedies and rituals may successfully redirect the disease out of the body.

He teaches nursing and homeopathy students, and offers consulting in health management to companies and organizations. Together with his wife Antonia he offers circles, workshops, and trainings for Systemic and Family Constellation facilitators internationally.

Rotger designs living, breathing, and joyful rituals for people, landscapes, and nature. He sees these practices as modern expressions of the ancient traditions of witchcraft which deserve honoring.


Lisa Murphy is the founder and director of the Fairhaven Healing Arts Center and Sva Ha Academy for Alchemical Studies and Energy Medicine. She offers 30 years of service and experience as Teacher, Transformational Body Worker, Sacred Sound Healer, Reiki Master, Spiritual Mediator, Yoga Teacher and Shamanic Practitioner of Tibetan Bon, Inca and Native American traditions.

Some of the teachers and mentors Lisa has worked with include, Tom Kenyon, Zacciah Blackburn, Dr. Mitch Nur, Two Horses Running, Jose Luis Herrera, Dr. Alberto Viloldo and Swami Satchidananda.

Lisa’s knowledge and wisdom allows her to weave together aspects of many modalities to assist you in your healing journey, allowing you to reach peace, joy, vibrant health harmony, happiness and a true sense of self. She will gently guide you embracing your shadow and transmuting it into light and aid you in attaining a balanced and joyful state of being. Learn more about Lisa at

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