Homeopathy meets Systemic Constellations, Shamanism, Witchcraft and Druidry
Mon, Jul 01
This circle gives opportunity to experience deeper the topics Homeopathy, Systemic Constellations, Shamanism, Wichcraft and Druidry.

Time & Location
Jul 01, 2024, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM GMT+2
About the event
Ongoing training circle
This circle gives opportunity to experience deeper the topics Homeopathy, Systemic Constellations, Shamanism, Wichcraft and Druidry, and it also serves as an ongoing training circle for people who already work with the field, with energy medicine, with healing remedies and with helping spirits.
The focus is a bit to the side of offering contents of Homeopathy to practitioners of fellow disciplines, but I expect the circle to be of interest for Homeopaths too, as I want to introduce and try approaches stemming from the other disciplines into the realm of Homeopathy.
I teach the fundamentals of homeopathy and one homeopathic remedy per session. Also there I want to add to the common ways of introducing remedies their part that affects our soul movement more.
Every participant from whichever healing tradition should receive tools that she can use in her own practice.
I also want to put an emphasis on self-awareness in the sessions, through little exercises, or constellations for participants. My view is that the self-awareness still is underrated in the training of Homeopaths, and you can hardly ever do too much on that topic, working as a healer or a counselor. I want to give the opportunity here. You learn most about diseases by putting up your own diseases. You learn most about the energies in the field that hinder healing by looking at your own entanglements. I regard that being of high importance and welcome it into the circle. For this reason, I charge less for a constellation in this circle, if you are open to receive one.
I will record (only) the teaching part of the sessions. You will get access to those recordings if you join the sessions, and you can rent them if you have not been to a session.
You will profit from joining via the experiencing part of our sessions.
You can join at any time. Watching the introduction might be helpful before joining. You can get it here.
• Every third Monday of a month, 12pm - 2pm EST (NYC), 6pm - 8pm CET (Berlin), online on zoom
• Participants: € 25.-
• Participants who want to get a constellation € 90.-
This offer is for Homeopaths and for healers and counselors who already work with the field, with energy medicine, with healing remedies and with helping spirits. Anyone who enjoys looking for connections between the realms of Homeopathy, Systemic Constellation Work, Shamanism, Witchcraft and Druidry, and further realms, if you want to bring them to the circle.
I will see to it that both Homeopaths and participants from other realms of the healing work will profit from it, by gaining insight, and finding tools in the other realm, the one you are not so familiar with so far. I wish to build bridges here, exchange knowledge, and develop further ways that come from our united wisdom and interest.
I am trained in all the healing disciplines named above, with a forte on Homeopathy and Systemic Constellation Work, followed by Shamanic practice, Witchcraft and Druidry.
I regard highly in Homeopathy the common work to find a homeopathic remedy, the thorough repertorisation work. The handcraft work.
This offer can add something to your search for a fitting remedy, after you have done the common way to go in searching a remedy, the homeopathic repertorisation, or the way you do it in your approach, after you have tried a few remedies, and you look for a different inspiration.
Systemic Constellations can be used to get to know a remedy, standing for it,
to find a remedy, the right potency, the dosage,
and of hindrances that block the healing movement in the homeopathic treatment.
Shamanic dreamwork can be a way of journeying to the spirit of a remedy, and to the difficulties of the client.
If you have a spirit animal, a plant or a stone with whom you have a special relationship, and you would like to come into contact with that being via its homeopathic form, you can reach out to me.
We can learn new perspectives and insights about remedies and their relationships with each other (differential diagnosis between remedies) by putting them up in systemic constellation circles. They may speak for themselves.
We can learn about the disease of a client if we put up the disease in the constellation. It may express how it wishes to serve the system. The interesting thing about diseases, when they stand in the field of family constellation is that they always want to help and serve. They are always friendly. We can learn what they want to serve for, and how we can fulfill its service in a different way, so that the disease can leave, and which remedy may be of help there, too.
I also want to put an emphasis on self-awareness. You learn most about diseases and by systemic energies in systems by putting up your own diseases and your own personal issues.
When we learn about the relation of a practitioner to his or her client in a constellation, this offer would serve as a form of co-operative intervision and peer consulting work.
Of course, as we are amongst colleagues, ideas for further remedies for the client are always welcome too.
So a special offer is that we can do a constellation for you, in which there will be a representative for you, your client, his or her disease, his or her remedy, possible remedies, remedies you have not thought of yet. Please ask your client for permission to do this on her behalf.
You could also bring your client to the circle, if he likes to come. He may feel right away how she reacts once we call in someone to stand for a remedy.
You might also like to put up an ancestor of yours who was a healer, or a past life in which you yourself were a healer, to support you, to get in contact with them.
Find even more information here.
participant fee
€29.00+€0.73 service feeSale endedparticipation + constellation
participant fee with constellation
€90.00+€2.25 service feeSale ended