Antonia Stessl, PhD
Antonia Stessl-Heilmeier, PhD, is internationally known as a systemic constellations facilitator, trainer, and shamanic practitioner. She is dedicated to making indigenous wisdom traditions accessible to people in modern societies. Combining refined intuitive perception with extensive training in the art and science of creating sacred spaces, Antonia brings clients through soul processes that bring peace to the past and provide positive resources for the future. She opens a sacred space in the field for spirit and intuition to come through, to remember resources with-in and with-out oneself.
Antonia holds a PhD in systems theory. She first trained in Germany in classic systemic family constellations in the tradition of Bert Hellinger, then received additional training from Francesca Mason Boring in combining them with ancient healing wisdom and rituals. Most recently, she studied with Emily Blefeld and Dan Cohen in how to integrate advanced consciousness and spiritual principles into therapeutic practice. She received additional training in shamanic traditions, curse and thoughtform unravelling, compassionate depossession, soul retrieval, and energy medicine. Antonia is employed as a director at one of the world’s largest Big4 professional services firms.
Her corporate and organizational background complements her interests in expanding the field for spirit and intuition. In addition, Antonia recently facilitated an anti-racism systemic program in a large intergovernmental organization.
In more detail ...
... I started my career after studying classic systemic family constellations with Dr. Ilse Kutschera, a student of Bert Hellinger’s, and Helmut Eichenmüller. I feel like this two-year-training was the best possible foundation I could receive to truly understand the principles and dynamics of intra-generational entanglements.
During my stay in the US, where I lived for two years, I was fortunate to also train with Francesca Mason Boring, a bicultural woman enrolled with the Western Shoshone Tribe. She shared that when systemic constellations work was first introduced to her she found this to be the first “Western” approach that was compatible with her belief system. Francesca taught me to listen to the knowing field, to incorporate ancient healing wisdom and rituals in systems constellation. She describes this method as “one of the most profoundly beautiful healing paths that can be taken. This work, for me, is an extension of ceremony, a road of indigenous healing.”
Following that I studied with Emily Blefeld and Dan Cohen who are two of the United States’ most skilled innovators in merging advanced consciousness and spiritual principles into therapeutic practice. They showed me how to access the ordinary, ancestral and spiritual dimensions of consciousness to create healing processes that are illuminating and life-transforming.
Throughout the years I have also always continued my Shamanic studies. Deepest thanks to my teachers Vera Griebert-Schröder, Sandra Ingerman and Betsy Bergstrom who shared their insights, techniques and experiences with me and showed me how to facilitate a connection with wisdom traditions so that they can be adapted in the present to enrich individuals, families and communities in contemporary times.
Rather unusual but very fitting and even more helpful to connect all worlds and to integrate everything in everyday corporate world, I have made my first career in the Big4 auditing and consulting firm environment, where I have been and am still working for over 13 years now. First as an auditor of governance systems, I then switched to designing transformation projects. This also led me to the US, where I helped shape the transformation of the global company for two years before I took on responsibility for the operational implementation in Europe.
For years I have been integrating systemic methods into corporate decision-making and the design of operational processes. In particular, complex issues and such in which a lot of resources have already been invested without the desired outcome are typical questions for which this approach helps identifying next steps in the solution finding process.
Antonia Stessl | Tizianstr. 151 | 80638 Munich, Germany | +49 172 84 36 031